Fixed Mindset VS Growth Mindset

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset. We covered this topic last week and we would like to keep talking about it today. If you recall from our last post, we talked about author and PHD Carol Dweck who coined the term “Growth Mindset”. Framing your mindset has a huge impact on your ability to achieve your goals.

Today we would like to compare a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and give some examples of different scenarios where having a growth mindset can be beneficial. We also want to show you that you can shift your mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.

1. Challenges. If you have a fixed mindset, when you come across a challenge, you are going to shy away from it. This is just going to be your natural way of dealing with these problems. If you have a growth mindset, you are going to face challenges head on and welcome them.

2. Obstacles. If you come across an obstacle and you have a fixed mindset, you are going to give up easily. If you have a growth mindset, you’re going to persist in the face of those obstacles and overcome them.

3. Effort. If you have a fixed mindset, you are going to view effort as fruitless, too much work, or even detrimental. However, if you have a growth mindset you’ll see effort as the path to mastery and something that is necessary to take you where you want to go.

4. Criticism. If you have a fixed mindset you are going to resist useful negative feedback. However, if you have a growth mindset you will actually be open to hearing critiques because this feedback will help you to grow and improve.

5. Success. If you have a fixed mindset, you will feel threatened by the success of other people. This is natural but it is important to realize that with a growth mindset, you can actually look for the lessons and find inspiration in the success of other people.

So our challenge to you is to analyze and be very critical about where you fall in those five different categories and see if you have more of a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. The reality is, this is a spectrum — in some situations we may have more of a growth or fixed mindset. An important lesson to learn is that we can put effort into moving ourselves from fixed to growth in more situations without our lives. The more we do this, the more opportunities will present themselves and the better that we’ll be able to deal with things that come our way.

How you think will impact your physical wellbeing. We know this to be true at WPT and we want to continue to talk about this topic so stay tuned!